Thursday, October 6, 2011


Be extra careful when choosing your Au Pair family, remember, one year of your life is at steak here.
Think, rethink. Ask, re-ask. Be wise and NEGOTIATE EVERYTHING!

Do NOT give up 'the essentials'!
Look for a Monday-Friday job and make sure you are off before 8pm, otherwise you won't be able to do anything else.
NEVER accept a CURFEW (if your parents don't give you a curfew, why should they? And let's face it, we are not 15 anymore)!
Do not accept over 3 children and do not accept children under 2 years old (specially newborns, they don't go to school and require full time work which means you won't be able to go to school either).
Do NOT accept special needs children (as a Physical Therapy major I would say, it's way to much work and not even 10x the weekly Au Pair salary would be worth it).

Don't worry, you are not 'demanding' anything out of the ordinary. The agency and the family know that better than yourself. These requests will only make your experience a little bi more pleasant. Be aware of families that promise you everything you want and after 2 weeks, they change their mind and refuse to give you what was previously promised. Do not be afraid to ask and be forward with the family and if possible, ask everything on e-mail so you have proof of what they promised you if you do need a rematch within your year.
Ask if you have a television, DVD and/or a computer in your bedroom or if you are allowed to use theirs.

It's very common for the Au Pair to have their own bathroom so, ask about it! It's also common for us to be able to have our friends over for visits and/or sleep overs. DO NOT forget to ask about this! Not being allowed to have your friends over might turn your year into HELL.

Having a car in the US is crucial if you do not live in a big city such as NYC, LA, VEGAS, BOSTON, MIAMI, etc. They barely have public transportation and the train schedule is terrible in small of further towns. Without a car around, you have NO LIFE!

If you are a night owl, look for a job where you can work nights and have your days free to do whatever you please but, be aware that in this case, you won't be able to hang out or go out with your friends often.

Don't forget to always look for a family that needs you Monday-Friday. Also make sure you do not work more than 45hrs a week (Anything over that is extra) and also, do not work weekends to fill in for hours the family didn't need your help during the weekdays, it was their choice to give you off  and you do not have to fill in for that (if they get a day off and give you that same day off, that's their problem! Do NOT work to pay those hours).



  1. Very nice tips... dont forget the good part too... heheeh by the way, curfew is really BullSh*&@#

  2. I'm working on that! BTW, I know how much WE suffered with your CURFEW! :( OMG!!!

  3. I'd alert twice about the car issue. You mentioned Vegas, but as far as I'm concerned it is almost impossible to rely on public transit in that place! I'd put a few places in DC, NYC, Boston and San Francisco in the list of great public transportation. Besides that, you're better off with a car for yourself.

  4. Thanks Mari, that's a great tip!

  5. God! Amazing tips! Thank you very much, Isabella! I'm going to be an Au Pair in the next year, God willing! Wish me luck! rs
    Your english is perfect... Is One year enough to become fluent?

    I just loved your texts! Keep doing it, ok?

  6. Thanks Carla! When it comes to learning, I think time is never enough. If you organize your time during your year long stay in the US you can learn a lot and become fluent. You will need a second year to work on your grammar and accent though. Keep us posted on your application and let us know where will you live in the US! Good Luck!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  7. Realistic! Reaaaally good trips. I was scared about not accepting the curfews.. but now I see that is important to request that, thanks ;)
